The Journey of Water
The water authorities are putting great effort into creating a sustainable society and join hands with municipalities to develop wastewater processes. The water authorities view wastewater as a source of clean water, energy and raw materials. Besides, sustainability and cost efficiency go hand in hand, offering an abundance of business opportunities. The Unie van Waterschappen (Dutch Water Authorities) have asked PurPur to help them develop a unique conference, entitled ‘De Weg van het Water’ (The Journey of Water), at which water authorities, municipalities and the business community convened, aiming to take the next step towards a sustainable society.
During this conference the Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment) and other parties involved signed the Green Deal Grondstoffenfabriek (Energy & Raw Material Factory). In addition, Ed Nijpels, chairman of the Standing Committee officially accepted the comprehensive juridical compendium written by Berenschot.
PurPur was responsible for the project management, concept development, substantive coordination, communication and productional execution of this communication project.
Unie van Waterschappen (Dutch Water Authorities)
Conference ‘De Weg van het Water’ (The Journey of Water)
Water authorities, municipalities and the business community
Nazca Vormgevers,
Source film and photo footage
Unie van Waterschappen